[PlanetCCRMA] Re: CCRMA FC1 and ndiswrapper

Timo Sivula timo.sivula at luukku.com
Sat Dec 11 15:19:02 PST 2004

> From: Stefan Turner <stefan_turner at yahoo.co.uk>

> I have set up ndiswrapper for my Linksys WPC54G
> wireless PCMCIA card. It works fine using the original
> kernel 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl but whenever I try to use it
> with the optimised kernel 2.4.26-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma I
> get a kernel panic when I 'modprobe ndiswrapper'.
> Obviously I recompile it with the correct kernel
> source.

Did you remember to do a make clean before you started the recompile? I
forgot that and it failed.

I have a ndiswrapper related question, too:

I have twice tried to upgrade my Planet CCRMA Fedora Core 1 to Fedora
Core 2. I have an SMC2802 V2 WLAN card which is not supported by the
Prism54 driver. The SMC2802 V1 is supported. Of some reason the Fedora
Core install program thinks my card uses the Prism54 driver and installs
it during the upgrade. This kills my WLAN connection. 

I am able to remove the Prism54 driver by using rmmod, and install
Ndiswrapper. Unfortunately this is just temporary solution. Next time
reboot the Prism54 is there again and blocks my WLAN. I also can not see
my card using the Fedora Network controlling tools in Fedora Core 2. In
FC1 all works just fine. 

So, as I do not know how to remove the Prism54 driver in Fedora Core 2 I
have reverted back to using FC1. How do I remove this Prism 54 driver?

br, Timo 

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