[PlanetCCRMA] Re: OT - General FC2/RPM/apt question

Artem Baguinski artm at v2.nl
Fri Dec 10 09:50:02 PST 2004

Brad Fuller <brad at sonaural.com> writes:

> Brad Fuller wrote:
>> Mark Knecht wrote:
>>>On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:53:30 +0100, Artem Baguinski <artm at v2.nl> wrote:
>>>Doesn't appear to. I loaded some Samba stuff yesterday using yum.
>>>Checking in Synaptic this morning it all shows up so apparently they
>>>use the same database.
>> Hmmm... I always thought that I had to do an update for apt or yum
>> to update the their respective dBs -- as in: when I use yum, I "yum
>> update" first so that if I previously used apt-get I would get the
>> latest RPM updates from the apt-get install.
> perhaps Synaptic does an "update" when it starts up. That would
> account for it.

i don't know about yum, but in apt "apt-get update" stands for
refreshing the databases of files available on repositories. and you
have to explicitly request that in Synaptic ("Refresh" button). on the
other hand Synaptic does take ages to start and i assume it's loading
the current state of instal then. 

I just started it to check and it has noticed my selfbaken rpms
installed. I guess it uses "rpm something" to find out the list of
installed packages and its own database for a list of available

/me's in a speculative mood :)

> brad

Artem Baguinski:                         http://www.artm.org/
V2_Lab:                                  http://lab.v2.nl/
V2_ Organisation for the Unstable Media: http://www.v2.nl/

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