[PlanetCCRMA] need advice on optimizing IRQ for sound

Mark Knecht markknecht at comcast.net
Mon Aug 30 06:54:02 PDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 04:23, Louis Lam wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to optimize the system for sound. Looking
> through the "Tuning the System" part of the
> installation part, I'm at the point where I'm looking
> at the IRQs in the system.
> I have the following when I look at /proc/interrupts:
>           CPU0
>   0:   22656444          XT-PIC  timer
>   1:       5230          XT-PIC  keyboard
>   2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
>   5:          0          XT-PIC  usb-uhci
>   7:    2244442          XT-PIC  EMU10K1
>   8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc
>   9:          0          XT-PIC  acpi, ehci_hcd
>  10:     255784          XT-PIC  usb-uhci, eth0
>  11:          0          XT-PIC  usb-uhci, usb-uhci
>  12:     299974          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
>  14:     152742          XT-PIC  ide0
>  15:     180923          XT-PIC  ide1
> NMI:          0
> ERR:          0
> Looks like one of the more obvious things to do is to
> get the soundblaster card (emu10k1) to a higher
> priority than 7(lowest). Looking at the list of
> interrupts on the system I see the "acpi" using IRQ 9.
> Is acpi necessary for a DAW to function? Say I'm using
> this system mainly for ardour, rosegarden. Should this
> be disabled?
> Thanks,
> Louis

I don't know much about the ACPI/APM stuff. If this is a desktop machine
I'd just switch the sound b;aster and ethernet cards and you'll probably
be OK. ACPI doesn't use many interrupts anyway, or so I've been told.

If this is a laptop then you are in a different kettle of fish...

Good luck,
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