[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Fc2 -- Rezound

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Aug 27 10:08:01 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 08:40, Matt Barber wrote:
> ->
> I actually managed to install rezound-0.10 from a "foreign" rpm and it
> works, but not with jack.
> (except for jacklaunch)
> 0.9 was not working so I tried this version (ATrpms or freshrpms, I
> don't remember)<-
> It's likely jack wasn't enabled in the build, 

I don't think any other apt repository for redhat/fedora includes jack. 

> as it's not by default in
> the .configure script.  I'm gonna try a couple of other things with it
> today - there's a patch in the source tree for fixing some of the gl
> errors you might get building the rezound standalone (read the README) -
> note that these are different errors than the one Fernando reported, so
> I'm thinking the new version has fixed some stuff... for building
> standalone my problem was a missing library (/usr/lib/libfox.a), so that
> may be remedied fairly easily hopefully;  there may be errors after that
> one I didn't get to yet.  I'll try the patch, and to see if I can find
> missing libraries, and report... right now it seems to be working in
> jack without the --enable-standalone flag.

I started working yesterday on 0.10.0beta. I had to add soundtouch (as
it can use it, and after all I had been meaning to add it to Planet
CCRMA) and I updated fox to 1.2.9. But while rezound 0.10.0beta builds
fine on fc2, it has problems building in fc1 (bison quits with a i/o
error!) and rh9 (what I've tested so far). You can't win....... :-(

-- Fernando

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