[PlanetCCRMA] 2.6 kernel; jack, ecasound
Matt Barber
Fri Aug 27 20:17:01 2004
->If I ever start jack as root, I can not subsequently restart qjackctl
> as a user. I get no error messages except "Could not connect to JACK
> server as client." Jackstart and jackd, when started from a shell,
> hang until I kill them. Is this common? Any idea what's causing it,
> is it perhaps even deliberate?
Nope, it is a bug. Qjackctl is terminating jack rather abruptly and it
does not have a chance to remove the pipes and stuff that it creates in
/var/lib/jack/tmp. Those left over files are owned by the previous owner
and can't be removed by the new one.
There is a workaround for this problem (thanks to Kjetil) and I have it
working here in a newer version of jack but I have not released it yet.
In the meantime is it safe to put "rm /var/lib/jack/tmp/*" in the
shutdown script in qjackctl?