[PlanetCCRMA] Problems with virmidi

Len lenb_99 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 26 07:47:01 PDT 2004

Hi.  This is my first posting to the list; hope it's on topic.

I recently installed the Planet CCRMA distro and, after several tries, I think I have nearly
everything up and running.

One problem I have is with the virtual midi devices (snd-virmidi).  I can load them, but I can't
seem to get them to pass any data.

I am using an Echo Layla 24 (pci) sound interface, and I obtained and built Giuliano Pochini's
excellent layla24 alsa driver and echomixer program (this is the reason it took me several tries
to get everything working, but it was worth it!).

My midi setup uses a midi keyboard connected to the layla midi in, then out from layla to another
(external) midi sound device.

Using something like aconnect (or kaconnect or alsa patch bay, etc) I am able to connect the
layla24 rawmidi in to layla24 rawmidi out and control the external midi device, so midi is
working.  I also am able to run multiple instances of Matthias Nagorni's qmidiroute program and
pass rawmidi data to one of these, then to another, which then passes it on to rawmidi out.  I
just can't seem to do the same thing with virmidi.

Using the devices shown from the output of aconnect -i and aconnect -o (see below), I should be
able to do
  aconnect 64:0 72:0
  aconnect 73:0 64:0
then connect 72:0 to 73:0 from something like Muse or Ardour or even aconnect itself, right?  I do
that, but the midi data doesn't make it from one end of the pipe to the other, so to speak.

I would welcome any ideas or suggestions.  I could almost swear I had this working at one point...


Here's the relevant info:

Midi Ins (from aconnect -i):
client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]
    0 'Timer           '
    1 'Announce        '
client 64: 'Layla24 - Rawmidi 0' [type=kernel]
    0 'Layla24         '
client 72: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 1-0' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 1-0     '
client 73: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 1-1' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 1-1     '
client 74: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 1-2' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 1-2     '
client 75: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 1-3' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 1-3     '

Midi-outs (from aconnect -o):
client 64: 'Layla24 - Rawmidi 0' [type=kernel]
    0 'Layla24         '
client 72: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 1-0' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 1-0     '
client 73: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 1-1' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 1-1     '
client 74: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 1-2' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 1-2     '
client 75: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 1-3' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 1-3     '

Here are the loaded modules:
snd-seq-midi            5152   0 (unused)
snd-virmidi             2080   0
snd-seq-virmidi         5128   0 [snd-virmidi]
snd-seq-midi-event      6240   0 [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-virmidi]
snd-seq                48784   0 [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-virmidi snd-seq-midi-event]
snd-layla24           149732   3
snd-pcm                85860   2 [snd-layla24]
snd-timer              20676   0 [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-rawmidi            19456   0 [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-virmidi snd-layla24]
snd-seq-device          6188   0 [snd-seq-midi snd-seq snd-rawmidi]
snd                    46884   1 [snd-seq-midi snd-virmidi snd-seq-virmidi snd-seq-midi-event
snd-seq snd-layla24 snd-pcm snd-timer snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device]
soundcore               6660   6 [snd]
udf                   100224   0 (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1           3516   1 (autoclean)
nls_cp437               5148   1 (autoclean)
vfat                   13228   1 (autoclean)
fat                    40312   0 (autoclean) [vfat]
snd-page-alloc          9268   0 (autoclean) [snd-layla24 snd-pcm]

My modules.conf (coded by hand, alsaconf doesn't pick up layla):
# --- ALSA configuration
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias char-major-116 snd
alias snd-card-0 snd-layla24
alias snd-card-1 snd-virmidi
options snd cards_limit=2
#options snd-layla24 index=0  #layla24 complains that index flag not valid
options snd-virmidi index=1
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-slot-1 snd-card-1
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

#alias /dev/mixer snd-mixer-oss #not sure if these are necessary
#alias /dev/dsp snd-pcm-oss     #
#alias /dev/midi snd-seq-oss    #

#--- Keep modules from being autocleaned
add options -k snd-card-0
#--- ALSA configuration END

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