[PlanetCCRMA] VXpocket problems

jacob last jacoblast at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 18:33:01 PDT 2004


I just got a VXpocket v2 card. I've copied
/usr/share/alsa/VXPocket.conf to /etc/pcmcia/, added the appropriate
lines to /etc/modules.conf, I have vxloader intact (I think), but when
I restart the machine, I get

localhost modprobe: vxloader: no VX-compatible cards found
localhost modprobe: /lib/modules/...../snd-vxpocket.o post-install
snd-vxpocket failed
localhost modprobe: /lib/modules/...../snd-vxpocket.o insmod snd-vxpocket failed
localhost alsasound: Starting sound driver snd-vxpocket failed

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