[PlanetCCRMA] Mozilla Update?

Barton Bosch bartonbosch at softhome.net
Sat Aug 21 16:35:01 PDT 2004

I just updated to Moz 1.4.2 from the CCRMA repo via apt (on a clean 
install of CCRMA for RH9) and I have a couple of comments/questions.

First, most of the preferences that I set in Moz and Moz Mail do not 
seem to be functioning in 1.4.2 whereas they worked with the previous 
unupdated version (1.4.1?). 

Is there some reason why all the RH 9 Mozilla RPMs on the net are 
1.4.2?  The latest stable is Moz 1.7.2 .  I have since installed 1.7.2 
via the mozilla installer, and it seemed to go smoothly, but the lack of 
recent versions being packaged makes me wonder if there is something 
that isn't obvious to me.

Uh, and what is the deal with the separate Moz Mail, Moz NSPR and Moz 
NSS RPMs for the Planet?  Is that due to some detail of their packaging 
or do I need to download tar balls of NSPR and NSS to have a complete, 
secure Mozilla 1.7.2 install?  From what I could tell by poking around 
the Mozilla site it looked like the separate NSPR and NSS tar balls were 
strictly for developing software that recycles the Mozilla/NS code.  
Does any one know what exactly the situation is here?

As always, thanks for your packaging and coordination of all the great 
Planet software.


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