[PlanetCCRMA] K3b file interpretation

Tim Churchill tchurchill at omne.uk.net
Mon Aug 16 13:36:00 PDT 2004


After the positive responses to using K3b with the Planet core, I 
investigated installing it myself (I'm new to this game) and found 
that there is a site (http://k3b.xcyb.org) with a package for the 
Fedora Cores.

Using the instructions supplied I have installed K3b 0.11.14 using 
Yum on my Fedora Core 1 PC (P3 933MHz). This is running KDE 3.1.4-4. 

K3b was installed OK and runs apparently OK at start. On drag and 
dropping a Wav file into a new session it either 1) inserts it OK, or
2) locks the session, or 3) interprets the file as an mp3 or mpeg1 
file of almost no length. 

The interpretation appears to be file dependant, as one file will 
always be seen as a Wav, and another always as an mpeg. Either can 
lock the session. 

After that, I un-installed K3b, and then re-installed using apt get 
(synaptic). The results were the same.

Does anyone have any idea what have I done wrong? 



PS, I have left a similar message on that site.

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