[PlanetCCRMA] jackd xruns problem: solved?

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sat Aug 14 08:32:00 PDT 2004

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 05:12:03 -0700, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > Cool. Reasonable response even in light of Kjetil's experience. I'm not 
> > up for blazzing a trail here. Just looking for more performance. 
> > Probably best for me to consider updating from RH9 to FC2 one of these 
> > days if I want to do this.
> Just not yet... wait a little bit till there is a stable 2.6.x with
> blazing fast realtime performance :-)
> Once that is a reality (very close now) I will check to see what is
> involved in running 2.6 in fc1 or rh9 (I think I did run it on rh9 with
> updated user utilities but there were small details in kudzu and other
> places that made for small hiccups or error messages during the boot
> process). BTW, the same thing happens if you want to run 2.4.x in FC2...

Unless its easier I would save yourself the trouble and make people that
want 2.6 kernels upgrade to FC2, its pretty painless and makes a lot of
other stuff work better (now, day 0 FC2's was not great).

It might enbcourage a lot of lazy people who are still running RH9 at home
(eg. me ;) to upgrade and actualy have secure machines again :)

- Steve

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