[PlanetCCRMA] RME versus Steinberg HDSP

mjnoble not8ohm at iinet.net.au
Wed Aug 11 11:22:01 PDT 2004

hi folks,

After tinkering for many a year I finally have some money to invest in a 
new soundcard to get a dedicated linux audio machine up and running.  I 
have been offered a Steinberg Nuendo HDSP 9652 card pretty cheap, but am 
unsure if this will work play nice with the ALSA drivers for the 
standard RME HDSP 9652.  As far as I can tell, the Steinberg card is 
just a rebadged RME HDSP, but I can't be sure.  Can anyone on the list 
verify this?  I searched the ALSA archives but didn't come up with 
anything.  The following by Fernando got me worried there might be more 
to it than simple rebadging;

>sometimes RME will release a new version of the card and it will
>take a while for the new pci id to be supported by ALSA. 
although the steinberg website just directs visitors to the RME website 
for PC and Mac drivers so again there can't be any major hardware 
differences.  Anybody know anything more about the Steinberg cards?


Michael Noble

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