[PlanetCCRMA] Comparing proprietary and free software

Andrea Glorioso sama at miu-ft.org
Wed Aug 4 11:13:02 PDT 2004

>>>>> "David" == David Fraser <davidf at sjsoft.com> writes:

    > Mark Knecht wrote:
    >> David Fraser wrote:
    >>> Mark Knecht wrote:
    >>>> ...sorry for wasting all this bandwidth. ;-) (Heck, it's
    >>>> free, right?!)
    >>> Not a waste of bandwidth, its really interesting!  What I
    >>> would like to know is, is there a central site that compares
    >>> existing proprietary sound applications with their free
    >>> software alternatives?  A wiki-based site might be a good idea
    >>> for this kind of thing...
    >>> David
    >> Don't know really. For all things Linux and Sound I first go to
    >> Dave's site:
    >> http://linux-sound.org/
    >> I don't think that there's anything really specific there in
    >> terms of comparison between free and not free though.

    > I guess the AGNULA wiki might be a good place for this, but it
    > seems empty to me...  

Which is another way of saying "it's waiting to be filled up" :)

Seriously, we'd be delighted if the AGNULA wiki
(http://wiki.agnula.org/) would be used for such comparative list.

I'd suggest asking Guenter Geiger <ggeiger at iua.upf.es> before starting
the task - I know that during the AGNULA EC-funded lifetime he had
worked on such a list.


Andrea Glorioso             sama at miu-ft.org         +39 333 820 5723
        .:: Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia ::.
	      Conquering the world for fun and profit

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