[PlanetCCRMA] pitch shifting

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Aug 2 08:36:01 PDT 2004

Hi Oded,

I think you can get around this issue by SND if you use new-effects.scm 

There are frequency-domain effects like SR conversion and I think a
phase vocoder also.

As far as using "new-effects.scm", it is documented in
Users at PlanetCCRMA: 


 --* Juan Reyes

On Sun, 2004-08-01 at 06:22, Oded Ben-Tal wrote:
> I'm trying to design an experiment using short (~3-5 sec.) instrumental 
> excerpts. I need to play them in different transpositions. The sound 
> quality of the transposed versions doesn't need to be excellent since its 
> going to be played over cheap headphones, but the transposed version can't 
> sound obviously distorted. I've been experimenting a little with ceres3 
> with mixed results. Piano sounds, for example, get terribly distorted 
> because transients aren't going well through the FFT analysis/synthesis. 
> Does anyone have suggestions of another simple method? 
> Any suggestions about parameter settings (window type? etc.) that tend to 
> produce better results for specific sound types? 
> thanks
> Oded
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