[PlanetCCRMA] Pinning

Jaakko H Kyro jkyro at cs.helsinki.fi
Fri Apr 30 06:11:02 PDT 2004


Is anybody using apt pinning with the CCRMA? What kind of apt_preferences do 
you have? Does it even work with rpms? I used this feature with debian and it 
was quite nice. 

Now I have
Package: *
Pin: release o="Planet CCRMA"
Pin-Priority: 1001

but it doesn't work:
$ apt-cache policy a52dec
  Installed: 0.7.4-3_1.rhfc1.at
  Candidate: 0.7.4-3_1.rhfc1.at
  Version Table:
 *** 0.7.4-3_1.rhfc1.at 0
        100 RPM Database
     0.7.4-1.rhfc1.ccrma 0
        500 http://freesoftware.ircam.fr fedora/1/i386/planetccrma pkglist


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