[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [linux-audio-user] The Linux FreeVSTi Compatibility List

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Wed Apr 28 05:35:02 PDT 2004

Hi Christian:

  I would consider a kindness if you added a link on Tim Orford's page 
that would direct readers to your list. I understand the list is too 
lengthy to post on Tim's site, but I'm sure many readers of that page 
would like to know about the existence of your (very impressive!) list & 

  VST/VSTi under Linux... What will they think of next... !  :)



Christian Frisson wrote:

>Hi all,
>Initially posting on Tim Orford's Linux VST Compatibility Page, my quest has
>been to test all Win-only FreeVSTi's featured on the K-v-R database under Linux
>thanks to some of Kjetil Matheussen's apps and to report the way they work in my
>language, to speed up things a bit!
>I've posted the list on the K-v-R forum:
>Because that's where i've found most of the plugins:
>Alternatively, until the nodes change while I update my bookmarks, you can
>browse all links to devs there:
>Let me quote one of the first answers to the thread: "The stuck notes in some SE
>VSTi are most likely due to CK's Unison modules that are a little twitchy."
>Have your copy saved on a text file, so that you can emulate a database search.
>Ex: getting all interesting working plugins among all plugins stored on a text
>file named "VSTi":
>cat VSTi | grep ': W!'
>Do you want to practise your french?

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