[PlanetCCRMA] Re: available: kernel on the edge (2.4.20-31)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Apr 22 15:40:02 PDT 2004

> > New versions of the Planet CCRMA kernels and ALSA drivers are available
> > in the PlanetEdge repository (I'll do an official release tomorrow).
> > They include 2.4.26 and the RedHat 9 2.4.20-30 kernel. Both have all
> > latest security updates and come with the usual goodies. 
> sorry to break the mood, but could you respin the builds for RedHat 9?
> There is a new kernel (31.9) out there that fixes a lot of security issues.

Ooops, sorry, that was a typo. It is actually 2.4.20-_31_, not 30. I was
ready to release when it came out and I rebuilt things yet again :-(

-- Fernando

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