[PlanetCCRMA] "Song of Mars" by Serban NICHIFOR (Romania)

Serban NICHIFOR serbannichifor at pcnet.ro
Thu Apr 22 10:07:01 PDT 2004

I have the great pleasure to send you my new compositions
"Song of Mars" and  "In Aeternum", inspired by a very beautiful, a fantastic
picture realized
by the NASA in this extraordinary American mission to Mars.
In fact, the background of this music (the "objective" like organ sounds) is
a convertion of the attached "jpg image" to "midi sounds" (with the
"MIDImage" software), and the melody is my "subjective" contribution
(realized with the "Mozart" software).
With the best wishes,
Faithfully Yours,
Romanian Composer (SABAM, UCMR-ADA)
E-mail: serbannichifor at pcnet.ro

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