[PlanetCCRMA] April 21 update mashes Jack...

Lawrie Abbott lawrieabbott at iinet.net.au
Thu Apr 22 04:34:01 PDT 2004

Dave Phillips wrote:

> Greetings:
>  I upgraded to the new JACK stuff last night and was dismayed to find 
> that now JACK won't work. Qjackctl reports that it can't connect to 
> the server, and running jackstart or jackd by hand results in an 
> 'illegal instruction' error. I thought about removing JACK via 
> synaptic (then building and installing it myself) but the number of 
> affected apps was a show-stopper.
>  I'm now stopped in my tracks until I fix the JACK problem. Did anyone 
> else run into this trouble with the latest & greatest from Planet C ?
>  Btw, I posted inquiries to the jack-dev list last night, both pd and 
> joq believe the problem is related to the Planet C build, so now I'm 
> posting here...
> Best regards,
> dp

I can't comment on the  current planetccrma jack package because I brew 
my own, but you can downgrade easily enough with synaptic. Or if 
Synaptic wont do it just go to /var/cache/apt/archives and do a rpm -Uvh 
--oldpackage jack-audio-connection-  jack-audio-connection- etc
Of course using the suitable old versions.


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