[PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic not working under Fedora

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Apr 20 14:19:01 PDT 2004

> I've been trying to use OpenMusic composition environment to no avail.
> I've 'apt-get' the last version (4.7.2 beta) with all the dependencies
> and even upgraded the lisp interpreter 'cmucl' (to version 2003.12.2) but
> there is a problem when try to load it:
> "
> [kasti at localhost kasti]$ fluidsynth -m midishare -s
> /mnt/windows_E/KASTI_HOME/sYnerGi-8Mb.sf2
> [kasti at localhost kasti]$ omlinux
> /usr/bin/omlinux: line 41:  4049 Segmentation fault      $LISP
> $LISP_ARGUMENTS -load $OMHOME/bootstrap-linux.lisp -load $CMUCL_GTK -load
> $OMHOME/screamer.x86f -load $OMHOME/openmusic.x86f $PROJECTS_TO_LOAD
> -load $OMHOME/init-linux.lisp
> [kasti at localhost kasti]$
> "
> Currently I don't what to do next as i am not very familiarizaed with the
> interaction of lisp and external world (gtk problem?), and the process of
> installation seemed to be succesful (no error messages).

For some reason under circumstances I have not been able to reproduce
cmucl does not start (in Fedora). 

What happens if you try to use the lisp interpreter alone? Like this:
Do you get a segfault as well?
What if you try this:
  /lib/ld-linux.so.2 /usr/bin/lisp

-- Fernando

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