[PlanetCCRMA] redhat isos

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Apr 18 17:17:01 PDT 2004

> do i have to download all 3 redhat isos to install planet CCRMA?
> could i just dowload one image, burn it and do the rest over network?

There are two different sets of cdroms. The "original" RedHat/Fedora
install cdroms (3) and the Planet CCRMA cdroms (2). You will need all
three RedHat or Fedora cdroms if you don't have them already[*]. All
three are needed to do the initial RedHat or Fedora install. If you have
a fast network connection you can install the rest (that is, Planet
CCRMA itself) over the net. You get the latest versions that way. 

-- Fernando

[*] as for the three RedHat / Fedora cdroms, if you have the original
cdroms (not downloaded from the Planet CCRMA site) you can use them to
install but in that case I would recommend doing a full install. The
original cdroms do not have an apt database and thus apt will not be
able to find packages that you have not installed in the initial
install. Or course if you have a fast network connection those could
also come from the Planet CCRMA repository. 

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