[PlanetCCRMA] Installing src.rpms instead

Jesse Kaufman glandix at lloydnet.org
Sat Apr 17 11:39:01 PDT 2004

On Saturday 17 April 2004 1:24 pm, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > Are there any
> > good resources on editing spec files and optimizing for specific cpus?
> > If this has been covered, my apologies.
> If you are interested in super optimizing your system Gentoo may be a
> better fit than RedHat/Fedora. Anyway, I think the _real_ advantage
> would not be that big.

while i agree with fernando, if you really want to stick w/ a rpm-based distro 
and re-compile the packages with optimizations, three sources i can think of 
are www.rpm.org (for overall spec file information), www.gentoo.org (they 
have information on what the most optimized CFLAGS for various archs would 
be), and of course google.com for everything else you can't find on there ... 

my understanding (and i'm not a big C coder and admittedly don't know 
everything about optimizations) is that if you really wanted to optimize your 
system, you'd have to start from the very ground (glibc, kernel, etc) up, 
which would mean quite a lot of work on an rpm-based distro, thus gentoo 
would be the way to go ...  i'd prefer freebsd, but unfortunately i think 
many of the planetccrma apps won't work, along with drivers for my radeon and 
ac3 passthrough for SBLive! ...


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