[PlanetCCRMA] How to record WAV from Rosegarden?

Olaf Giesbrecht Olaf_Giesbrecht at Yahoo.de
Wed Apr 14 10:56:02 PDT 2004

as far as i know, you can record a wav track in rosegarden. but you have
to start jack before you start rosegarden. 

and fluidsynth doas work with jack, so you can record in for example
rezopund as well (use qjackctl or qjackconnect to connect

hope it works

greetings olaf

Am Mit, 2004-04-14 um 16.23 schrieb Timo Sivula:
> Hello,
> I made a song using Rosegarden and Fluidsynth. I have stored it in .rg
> and MIDI format. I would like to record my creation to a WAV or mp3
> file. How do I do that?
> I tried QaRecord but it only shows up as a MIDI receipient in the Jack
> patchbay.
> br, Timo
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