[PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA onstage

Mike Robinson miker at bootyhouse.org
Tue Apr 13 15:32:01 PDT 2004

I'm taking part in a laptop battle (laptopbattle.org, sf-laptopbattle.org) 
this Sunday using a CCRMA system.

I'll be using terminatorX for live loop manipulation.  Used Sweep and 
Audacity for sampling and sound editing, and Hydrogen for beat creation. 
Was fiddling with pd, but need much more time to master it to a level worth 
publicly displaying :).

Thanks again for making and maintaining CCRMA, without which I wouldn't 
have even thought of entering in this event.


ps details:
   Club Six @ 9 PM
   60 - 6th street
   San Francisco

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