[PlanetCCRMA] Trouble with ALSA - .asoundrc

Jorma R rjorma at jippii.fi
Thu Apr 8 02:57:01 PDT 2004


I am having slight trouble configuring alsa.

I tried to create pcm slaves according to the documentation but adding 
anything on slaves into my .asoundrc makes ALSA unable to start.

even the simplest possible slave:

	pcm_slave.sltest {

Gives me the error below.

All other configuretions suggested in the ALSA documentation give the 
same errors.

I am running RH 9 with Kernel 2.4.25-1.ll.rh90.ccrma with ALSA 

Is this an ALSA problem or just misconfiguration on my part?



[jorma at turpea jorma]$ sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound restart
Shutting down sound driverALSA lib conf.c:1565:(snd_config_load1) 
_toplevel_:26:0:Unexpected char
ALSA lib conf.c:2807:(snd_config_hook_load) /home/jorma/.asoundrc may be 
old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix it
ALSA lib conf.c:2671:(snd_config_hooks_call) function 
snd_config_hook_load returned error: Unknown error
ALSA lib conf.c:3036:(snd_config_update_r) hooks failed, removing 
can't open sequencer
                                                           [  OK  ]
Starting sound driver snd-emu10k1                          [  OK  ]
Starting sound driver snd-usb-audio                        [  OK  ]
Starting sequencer                                         [  OK  ]
Starting sequencer driver snd-emu10k1-synth                [  OK  ]
Sequencer driver snd-seq-midi is already loaded
Restoring sound driver settings ALSA lib conf.c:1565:(snd_config_load1) 
_toplevel_:26:0:Unexpected char
ALSA lib conf.c:2807:(snd_config_hook_load) /home/jorma/.asoundrc may be 
old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix it
ALSA lib conf.c:2671:(snd_config_hooks_call) function 
snd_config_hook_load returned error: Unknown error
ALSA lib conf.c:3036:(snd_config_update_r) hooks failed, removing 
/usr/sbin/alsactl: set_controls:986: snd_ctl_open error: Unknown error

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