[PlanetCCRMA] KDE 3.2 upgrade on Fedora Core1

Lawrie Abbott lawrieabbott at iinet.net.au
Sun Apr 4 23:23:01 PDT 2004

Brad Fuller wrote:

>Has anyone upgraded to KDE 3.2 (from KDE 3.0) on Fedora?
>I tried after downloading the RPMs from the KDE site and couldn't get it
>to work properly. Mainly because qt wouldn't upgrade as it was both a
>dependent of KDE apps but, more importantly, many of the audio apps use
>the older qt (according to the RPM error msgs)
>PlanetCCRMA mailing list
>PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu
I have KDE 3.2.1 on RH9. http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/  has all the 
latest qt and KDE packages plus dependancies required for the upgrade. 
FC1and  RH8 versions are also available . Most of the inital bugs have 
been ironed out now it seems with KDE 3.2.1, so now is probably a good 
time to give it a whirl :).  And it is all availbale  through apt :)

Lawrie Abbott

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