[PlanetCCRMA] mic preamps

C. Kemp franknputer at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 2 12:39:00 PST 2004

If you're going to record piano, harp, etc. you really want to get your hands 
on some decent condenser mics. There are a lot of choices these days, and not 
all that expensive either. I have a Rode NT2, which is a lovely 
large-diaphragm condenser mic that can be had for about $400 new, and I've 
heard that the Studio Projects C1 is an excellent choice as well, for about 
half as much.

Lots of preamps out there - you'd really have to give me an idea of what your 
budget is...but might I suggest that you get a small mixer, like a Mackie, 
which has several good preamps in it, and using that. How are you planning on 
recording? Straight to computer? How many tracks?

Lotta questions, I know. ;^)   A good place to get advice is the 
musicplayer.com forums. There are a lot of professionals who hang out there, 
as well as amateurs & everything in between, and if you don't let the 
occasional foolishness throw you, you can pick some brains over there. 
Particularly check out Phil O'Keefe's Project Studio forum - 
you'll get good help there.

Cheers - 
Christopher Kemp

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