[PlanetCCRMA] Re: managing mulitple repositories

Benjamin Hardy theroboticmadhatter3000 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 1 01:37:02 PST 2004

Just a couple of questions:
what other repositories are out there that are Planet CCRMA friendly?
why apt.kde-redhat.org? Well, perhaps that's obvious in that the repository 
doesn't conflict, but is it specifically for kde users and not gnome or 

Bruce Elliott wrote:

>It sounds like I should do what you did, but there are still a few things 
>(okay, more than a few) that I don't understand.  (Questions embedded 
>Lawrie Abbott wrote:
>>Bruce Elliott wrote:
>>>I have removed the later version of apt that I'd gotten from the 
>>>kde-redhat repository, and reinstalled the one from Planet CCRMA.  Before 
>>>I attempt to do any more apt-get updates, however, I'd like to understand 
>>>how apt works a little better so that I can avoid shooting off my other 
>>>foot this time.
>>First let me tell you that I'm not  an apt guru ... just letting you know 
>>what Ive found by the trial and error method :)
>>>I currently have the Planet CCRMA sources.list and apt.conf in my 
>>>/etc/apt/ directory, but there is also kde-redhat.list in the  
>>>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/  directory.  How does apt decide which one to 
>>>use?  Should I also have a similar "ccrma.list" file in this directory, 
>>>and if so, should there still be a sources.list in the parent directory 
>>>What about the apt.conf file?  I have an apt.conf.d directory, but it has 
>>>nothing in it.  Can apt work with separate apt.conf files for different 
>>>packages from different repositories?
>>Apt can use both the apt/sources.list and apt/source.list.d/sources.list 
>>files. I dont know what happens if there are double ups or conflicts. To 
>>be safe... dont have any. My apt/sources.list   and apt/vendors.list files 
>>are  basically blank. And the information is in  separate files in the .d 
>>directories.  For apt.conf the settings  in the  apt/apt.conf override 
>>those in apt/apt.conf.d/apt.conf.  My guess  is the behaviour is similar 
>>for  sources and vendors.
>How do I know whether there are conflicts or even just redundancies in the 
>sources.list files?  In the planet ccrma list, for e.g., I see components 
>like, "os updates", "planetccrma", and "planetcore".  How do I know which 
>packages are associated with these entries?  (For kde-redhat, the only 
>component name seems to be "stable" ...)

For the contents of sources.list files, follow the instructions as per
each repository's website. The ones mentioned in the repo-config-x files
are a good place to start , but you may want  to add extras for eg if
you want 'testing' , then the appropriate line s will need to be added.

>>>All I'm really trying to ensure is that apt can upgrade any packages that 
>>>come from only one repository, but also that it will use the Planet CCRMA 
>>>repository for packages that are available from either one.  (This seems 
>>>safer, since the newer apt, from kde-redhat, didn't like the unsigned 
>>>packages from P. CCRMA.)
>>What I have done is to use the new apt from kde-rehat and install the 
>>repo- config files ie
>What are these and where should I find them?  I don't recognize them.  
>They're not in my kde-redhat.list file.

If you are using RH9 they are at

FC1 only has one

>>(first backup existing lists.confs etc)
>I don't think I have anything called lists.confs ...

Doh! typo ;)    lists, confs etc

>>then copy the ccrma sources.list to apt/sources.list.d/ccrma.list
>I can do that ...
>>and copy the  the default.conf in /apt/apt.conf.d/ to 
>hmmm ... my apt.con.d directory is *empty* right now (!??)

Things will change if you install the above :)

>>and  then uncomment the 'Ignore { "gpg-pubkey"; ' line.
>>This gives access to   fedora kde-redhat freshrpms and ccrma. To update 
>>only from one repository either use the preferences/repositories settings 
>>in synaptic or hide the sources.list (s) that you dont want to use.
>><other stuff snipped>
>[Note: this thread slipped off the Planet CCRMA list by accident, so I'm 
>cc:ing it again, in the hopes that it might help some others.  If it's too 
>far off-topic for this list, just let me know.]
>thanks, - Bruce
>PlanetCCRMA mailing list
>PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu

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