[PlanetCCRMA] More dumbness from Aaron about planet kernel/alsa

Aaron Trumm aaron at nquit.com
Tue Sep 30 22:54:01 PDT 2003

Ok so I know that I've got an untidy kernel/alsa mess.  I was thinking I
would clean them out, then reinstall, by doing:


  rpm -q <stuff like possible kernel names or nothing> | more  - (to find
out the kernel package names)
  rpm -e <kernelname> (do the source too)
  rpm -e <alsastuff>  (do the source too)

and then reinstall:

  apt-get -o RPM::Install-Options::=--oldpackage install planetccrma-core
  apt-get -o RPM::Install-Options::=--oldpackage install
  apt-get install kernel-source#2.4.22-6.ll
  apt-get install kernel-source#2.4.20-20.1.caps

(then of course making sure alsa is configured, etc.)

does this sound right?  incomplete?  crazy?  if I wanted to make DAMN sure
it was clean, I could take out the red hat 9 cd, boot up, and start
completely over ;)

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