[PlanetCCRMA] pwc modules

kurt stockman kurt at kapotski.be
Sat Sep 27 16:06:00 PDT 2003

knew that one ;p

was hoping for an easy way out of compiling all the modules (busy now as
i type). and just compile the pwc stuff... *lazygrin*


On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 23:58, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > I'dd like to use the pwc 8.11 modules with the latest planet kernel...
> > 
> > How (if possible) can i compile and use those modules without compiling
> > the entire planet kernel?
> You should install the kernel source package:
>   apt-get install kernel-source#2.4.22-6.ll.rh90
> (or the version that corresponds to the kernel and redhat release you
> have installed). 
> After that just build the modules as usual...
> -- Fernando
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