[PlanetCCRMA] Is this hardware supported ??? Marian MARC A

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Sep 5 16:22:01 PDT 2003

> I was wondering if an ADAT soundcard I have would be supported by the 
> planet... It is a "00:12.0 Multimedia controller: Marian - Electronic & Software: 
> Unknown device 20c8 (rev 02)" (as reported by "lspci"). It's a simple card with
> just 1 ADAT in + 1 ADAT out. It is called "MARC A".
> Looking at the card I can't identify its chipset :-(
> Does anybody knows anything about this ? Have anyone used this card with the 
> planet ?

Most probably it is not supported, you should probably post this
question to the alsa-devel mailing list as soundcard support is
determined by alsa support...

I looked into the soundcard compatibility matrix in the alsa website but
there is no mention of the card (or the company). 
-- Fernando

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