[PlanetCCRMA] DVD authoring program

Joe Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Fri Sep 5 09:33:55 PDT 2003


The only open source program that I have found is DVDauthor
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/dvdauthor/). I have successfully used
this to author a DVD, after making a whole bunch of expensive DVD-like
coasters! I import from DV camera via Kino (http://kino.schirmacher.de/
- included in CCRMA) and edit with Cinelerra (also in CCRMA). You need
Mjpegtools (included) and dvd+rw-tools

I am actively experimenting with ways to author DVDs from my DV tapes.
There is a site called DVDCreate, but there hasn't been any activity
there since 2002 it seems. There is an excellent tutorial on this
subject at http://www.tappin.me.uk/Linux/dvd.html. 

I would be happy to share further experiences with this. Also, if
anybody has any luck/tips/etc., feel free to post or email my off list.

Joe Dell'Orfano <fullgo at dellorfano.net>

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