[PlanetCCRMA] need help

Alex Timmer mijn_troep at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 2 04:44:03 PDT 2003

hello Serge,

the --old-package should be --oldpackage it was a typo in the
documentation. it has already been corrected in the documentation on
the CCRMA website. (i guess you downloaded the cdrom iso's?)


 --- "Serge M.Vorodeyev" <egil at ua.fm> wrote: > 
> Hello,planetccrma,
> I am a beginner in Linux. Use Red Hat 9.0.
> I can not install the kernel 2.4.21 and Alsa - drivers.
> Here is that is got:
> Executing RPM (-ivh)...
> --old-package: unknown option
> Executing RPM (-Uvh)...
> --old-package: unknown option
> E: Sub-process /bin/rpm returned an error code (1)
> E: Sub-process /bin/rpm returned an error code (1)
> [root at localhost root]#
> I ask to help in installation
> Serge
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Serge                          mailto:egil at ua.fm

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