[PlanetCCRMA] updated: qjackctl, libsigc++*, gtkmm, fluidsynth; added: gtkmm2, scons, cheesetracker, midishare

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Oct 31 11:26:01 PST 2003

* updated Qjackctl to version 0.1.1-1. Now with a complete new look! It
  just keeps getting nicer. 

* updated libsigc++ to version 1.2.5-1 (required to build
  Cheesetracker). This required the creation of a backwards
  compatibility package named libsigc++10 version 1.0.4-1, which
  replaces and obsoletes the previous version of the libsigc++ package.
  The new package requirements mandated a rebuild of gtkmm version
  1.2.10-1 although it was already at the latest version. 

* added Gtkmm2 version 2.2.8-1 (only available on RedHat 9)

* added Scons version 0.93-1. Required to build Cheesetracker (not
  available on RedHat 7.3).

* added Cheesetracker version 0.9.0-1, an Impulse Tracker clone.

* added MidiShare version 1.86-1 and the MidiShare Player library
  version 2.04-1. MidiShare is a MIDI interapplication communication
  protocol (similar in spirit to the existing ALSA MIDI sequencer).
  Acting as MidiShare clients, applications can send and receive timed
  midi streams from each other in real time. Midishare is used by Common
  Music (part of Planet CCRMA but not yet rebuilt to be able to use
  MidiShare) and OpenMusic (soon to be packaged), two Common Lisp based
  systems that have strong roots in the Macintosh world, where Midishare
  has proven to be popular. Regretfully there's not much support yet for
  MidiShare in the Linux world. Fluidsynth can use MidiShare and a new
  release has been built that can do that, but that's about it for now
  (and I have not done any testing). There is no gateway between
  MidiShare and the ALSA MIDI sequencer, so MidiShare clients are pretty
  limited in what they can do until such a package exists (MidiShare's
  core is a kernel module so it is part of the PlanetCore repository). 

* updated Fluidsynth to version 1.0.3-2, it can now use the MidiShare
  library to do MIDI i/o (not tested). 

More details in the Changelog. 
-- Fernando

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