[PlanetCCRMA] similar to planet except for other distributions?

derek holzer derek at x-i.net
Thu Oct 30 03:53:01 PST 2003

DeMuDi / Agnula : Debian Multimedia Distribution [not entirely complete 
or up-to-date... work in progress for a couple years now]
ReMuDi / Agnula : [somewhat mythical/hypothetical] RedHat Multimedia 
TurnKey : Mandrake audiovisual packages [from what i have seen lately on 
his site, he is kind-of "merging" w/ Planet]
AudioSlack : Slackware audiovisual packages [somewhat more limited than 
DeMuDi, Planet or Turnkey]

good luck,

Aaron Trumm wrote:

>Hello y'all - I'm writing an article and I'm mentioning Planet - then I
>realized I'd heard there were some similar sort of package "services" to
>Planet for Debian, maybe Mandrake?  is this so?
>Does anyone know where they are?  I thought it'd be helpful to mention them
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