[PlanetCCRMA] updated: planetedge alsa packages for redhat 9

Aaron Trumm aaron at nquit.com
Wed Oct 29 10:41:02 PST 2003

I'm not on the studio computer now, but when I get down there next, I can
certainly send the .patch, if you can give me his address or something - for
some reason I'm not on any ALSA lists - that may be another one that
rejected my server

I'm not sure what I did with the source of hdspmixer 1.3 - I never did get
it built, I was using your binary, and I'm not sure if I still have the

I can't think of anything else along the HDSP lines that is needed - well
hdspconf I guess - but it's already there, right?  and there isn't a new
version of that.

>    I'm in the same boat as you, except worse as the HDSP 9652 box runs
> Gentoo and I don't have a kind soul like Fernando applying patches to
> Gentoo ebuilds. I'd really LOVE to see this stuff get committed. It was
> two months ago when Thomas posted the patch!

well, to tell the truth, thanks to you and fernando and thomas and kevin and
even some others, my boat is floating quite nicely at the moment :)

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