[PlanetCCRMA] Re: MiniPC or LapTop? Sooner or later...

Ryan G. ryanpg at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 27 12:21:02 PST 2003

> From: Jonathan Segel <jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com>
> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: MiniPC or LapTop? Sooner or later...
> >
> >One thing to seriously consider -> if you're going to use a "pro"
> audio
> >interface you're pretty much limited to USB devices.
> >
> what about the m-audio firewire 410? i made use of ebay myself and 
> sold some motorcycle parts and bought one of these to use with my mac
> pismo, it works well and is bus powered (yay!). m-audio stuff semms 
> to do pretty well in the linux world, not sure about this one (it 
> replaced the rme multiface for me which is now on my ccrma box)
> >Also (please don't hit me list) you should consider apples new G4
> >ibooks.
> i agree - i know it's unpopular in these parts, but i use that mac 
> stuff all the time..

My emi 2|6 works like a champ with my mac, it's a pretty blue
paperweight with lights when plugged into my linux pc.

I don't know about the firewire 410.  I agree that m-audio stuff seems
to work well though.

I'm a proud pismo owner too!  I'm thinking about upgrading my processor
to a G3 900.  I'll be getting osx panther soon and I think it'll need
the xtra horsepower to run.  Plus, though ardour is great, it's nowhere
near the kinda great digital performer is (in time I'm sure it will be,
no offense ardour-dev lurkers ;-).

I love/hate linux much of the time but I just plain love osx.

Sorry for the off topic rant.

More to the point, bringing a live cd to the store to test out laptops
is a great idea (wish I'd thought of that) but the issues my laptop has
with linux were burried DEEP.  Most any IA32 machine will BOOT linux,
but which one's play nice with ccrma kernles, offer good linux support
for less obvious hardware/features (usb drivers, assignable irqs,
modems, firewire chips, graphics chips, etc., controllers) is really
something one only finds out after the wallet is back in the pocket

So, good luck to all who attemp to run linux on a laptop (if we weren't
such masochistic bastards we'd all save up and buy macs).  BTW, I'm
happy with my dell 5100 though tvout would be nice to use in my
classroom and no-go using jackd with the usb card hurts for the moment,
in time I think all will be made right (just hope it's before the make
a g5 laptop).



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