[PlanetCCRMA] various little problems

Jonathan Segel jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com
Tue Oct 21 10:03:01 PDT 2003

i'm noticing a few minor things, wondering if anybody else has 
similar problems or solutions.

1) occaisonally ZynAddsubFX will simply disappear when it is 
backgrounded and i do other things in the system. all will be fine, 
then i will go to another window and when i take a look at jack's 
patch bay i will notice that Z has suddenly absconded...?
2)Hydrogen has a couple problems. one is that when trying to import a 
new drum kit, (they have a few listed on their site) some work and 
some just don't, the app quits entirely when you hit the load button 
with, say, Eastern Hop Kit, everything goes away. a more pressing 
problem seems to be that if i save a song file, it can't be read when 
i open hydrogen again! do you think that might be permissions issues?
3) i was recording some things into ardour, but then after recording, 
the play trasport controls no longer functioned so i couldn't hear it 
back until restarting the app...?


Jonathan Segel  -- MAGNETIC -- PO Box 460816 S.F. CA. 94146-0816
               4014 Brookdale Ave. Oakland, CA 94619
   jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com <-----> magsatellite at yahoo.com
    tel (510) 534 7825  cell (510) 484 7415  fax (425) 955 4495

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