[PlanetCCRMA] mkswap question

Aaron aamehl at bezeqint.net
Sat Oct 18 19:05:02 PDT 2003

HM, Is there a way to run multiple linux distros on multiple

I have been toying with debian on and off, but usually get frustrated
and endup formatting an adding rh again with planet.

But I would love to be able to test a few distros to see which ones
really do what I need. RH 9.0 has some flaws for hebrew support.
The newest libs and kde support hebrew better, I would love to have two
rh versions on the same box.....
And what about suns javadesktop???

The problem I see with Partition magic is that it must first be run from

Then how do I tell a boot loader that each distro is seperate and that
my home is the same??? Is it even possible to have only one home in such
a situation.
The possibliites are most interesting.

I wouldn't probably dual boot with windows but linux hmm

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