[PlanetCCRMA] HDSP again and again

derek holzer derek at x-i.net
Sat Oct 18 08:45:01 PDT 2003


still no hdsp, and i tried the following:

1)hdsp loader : no Hammerfall DSP card found
2)boot with both apci=off and pci=noaspci : no change
3)since it is a cardbus/pcmcia card, changing from one slot to the other 
doesn't help, in fact i have never had it recognized in the top pcmcia slot
4)my bios does not permit reassigning IRQs, nor does it permit disabling PnP
5)i had a similar problem using redhat 7.3 last year, which is why i 
switched to debian to get it running. however, debian's not-too-reliable 
audio packages got me to switch to CCRMA... i suspect it has something 
to do with the way that redhat assigns IRQs maybe. but if CCRMA is more 
vanilla kernel than redhat, that shouldn't affect it, right?
6)also disabled all kinds of unused ports in my BIOS, with no real effect.

i am totally perplexed...
other suggestions?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>>just switched my laptop over from debian/demudi to redhat/ccrma, and an old
>>problem has come back to haunt me.... namely that i have big troubles getting my
>>cardbus hammerfall hdsp multiface working. i've been going back and forth form
>>linux to windows, changing the firmware revision from 11 to 10 and back with no
>>real results. 
>>with firware revision 10 i got this with the various kernels available from ccrma:
>>rh90 kernel: not recognized
>>acpi kernel: not recognized
>>caps kernel: card recognized at boot, but will not load firmware
>>with revision 11, 
>>rh90 kernel: card recognized at boot, but will not load firmware
>>acpi kernel: not recognized
>>caps kernel: card recognized at boot, but will not load firmware
>>as you can see, i got the new kernel to recognize it, but it will not load
>>[root at localhost root]# hdspconf
>>HDSPConf 1.1
>>Looking for HDSP cards :
>>Card 0 : RME Hammerfall DSP at 0x19000000, irq 10
>>Uninitialized HDSP card found. Use hdsploader to upload firmware.
>>Card 1 : Virtual MIDI Card 1
>>No Hammerfall DSP card found.
>Hmm, you do not say whether you actually tried to use hdsploader to 
>load the firmware. That would be the first thing I would try. 
>-- Fernando

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