[PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA CD installs: broken PD packages

Louis van Dompselaar louis at babylero.xs4all.nl
Fri Oct 17 06:45:03 PDT 2003


This lib comes with tk-8.3.5-88.i386.rpm, which is part of RedHat 9.

derek holzer wrote:
> been using the CCRMA CDs to install in some bandwidth-challenged places
> while doing linux workshops in the Balkans. current location = Novi Sad.
> i have discovered along the way that the packages for PD, GEM, Ggee, etc 
> are broken on the CD [or my CDs are damaged]. they require libtk8.3.so, 
> which is not available. the machines i am working on now have NO network 
> card for getting this package via apt-get, so could somebody please 
> point me to to the location of this package on CCRMA server? then i can 
> make a local copy to use in the offline machines. trying to browse the 
> apt repositories is 'forbidden'.

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