[PlanetCCRMA] Hiss, Noise reduction etc

Aaron aamehl at bezeqint.net
Thu Oct 16 04:07:01 PDT 2003

welcome to the club, I looked and also found that denoise is missing.

If your a programmer or anyone out there this is something that is an
important missing piece in the linux pro audio puzzle...

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 11:18, Alejandro Fernandez wrote:
> Hi,
> Most of what I'd like to do with audio software for linux is in the area
> of taking out background noise, hisses, humms, hiccups and sneezes. Can
> anyone recommend a tool in the planet ccrma list (no medical
> prescriptions please!) and possibly a tutorial on the web, or a small
> example? So far I've found denoi and gwc(Gnome wav cleaner) but I can't
> get them to work on my redhat 9.1 computer. Searching the archives of
> this list also didn't get me that much farther.
> Thanks,
> Ale
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