[PlanetCCRMA] gem in Redhat 9
kevin ernste
kevinernste at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 15 19:32:01 PDT 2003
Mine was the second half of this post (the error) if I am remembering
correctly. My solution then was to backoff the version of glut I was
using in RH 9, back to the version shipped with Redhat 8.0. Other
users were not having this problem and there was some speculation, not
on this this list,that the conflict was with the NVIDIA gl stuff.
Now, however, Gem works perfectly for me on Planet/RH9 running glut
3.7-14. Is your "hat" up to date?
--- Carr Wilkerson <cwilkers at tulane.edu> wrote:
> I'm interested in knowing whatever happened on this thread below?
> I'm
> also getting:
> /usr/lib/pd/extra/Gem.pd_linux: /usr/lib/libglut.so.3: undefined
> symbol:
> glXBindChannelToWindowSGIX
> Gem: can't load library
> Hmmm...
> Thanks,
> Carr
> --------------------------------
> > On June 20th, nando wrote:
> > * added gem to the RedHat 9 repository (hola Pato! :-) It requires
> a
> > slightly newer version of the Glut package that I snarfed from
> > RawHide. Apparently the only other package the currently depends
> on
> > Glut is kdegraphics and the programs I tested seemed to not be
> > affected...
> > The Gem problem seems to be worse than just these system depends
> > issues, at least for me.
> >
> > I get an 'undefines symbol' error when using -lib Gem and this
> version
> > of glut (3.7-13):
> >
> > /usr/lib/pd/extra/Gem.pd_linux: /usr/lib/libglut.so.3: undefined
> > symbol: glXBindChannelToWindowSGIX
> > Gem: can't load library> pd: exiting
> Strange, it does work for me.
> Could you send me (off the list maybe) the result of rpm -q -a? There
> must be a mismatch of library versions somewhere. I can start pd -lib
> Gem with no problems on my redhat 9 build machine and on another one
> here at ccrma.
> -- Fernando
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