[PlanetCCRMA] added: more online documentation (man pages)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Oct 12 18:58:01 PDT 2003

Hi all, I have added more online documentation to the Planet CCRMA web
pages. All Planet CCRMA packages (this is based on a RedHat 9 install)
that have man pages(*) now have links to html translations (and the man
pages referenced in the man pages are also there, recursively). All in
all about 1200 man pages in the tree :-) 

You will find links (when a package has man pages) just before the
listing of the individual rpms. 

Hopefully this will add a little bit to the "ease of use" of Planet
-- Fernando

(*) most unix commands have man ("manual") pages, if you want to know
more about, let's say, "grep", go to a terminal and type "man grep". 

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