[PlanetCCRMA] More ALSA driver building, HDSP9652 patch

Mark Knecht mknecht at controlnet.com
Fri Oct 3 11:46:01 PDT 2003

> ps:
> I sort of asked - is 0.9.6-2 alright - but also, mark's on gentoo - what
> else could be different?  his is running...

My Gentoo box is running 0.9.6, which was the last stable Alsa release until
earlier this week.

I'm sure someone who is better versed in CVS can extract 0.9.6 from the
repository, but I don't know how.

You might even be able to take the code I sent you off list and make a diff
file against the same files from 0.97 and then apply a patch to 0.97. I
think we are only talking about two files, hdsp.c and hdsp.h, aren't we?

Good luck,

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