[PlanetCCRMA] More dumbness from Aaron about planet kernel/alsa
kevin ernste
kevinernste at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 1 10:48:01 PDT 2003
--- Aaron Trumm <aaron at nquit.com> wrote:
> Ok so I know that I've got an untidy kernel/alsa mess. I was
> thinking I
> would clean them out, then reinstall, by doing:
This should be very easy (unless we're both crazy). I have done it
dozens of times on other systems. Apt and rpm do an excellent job. I
find more and more that, as the debian folks have been saying for years
about apt, I may never have to do a full reinstall again (*knocks on
> remove:
> rpm -q <stuff like possible kernel names or nothing> | more - (to
> find
Try grep, much nicer:
rpm -qa | grep kernel
rpm -qa | grep alsa
"apt-get remove" the resulting stuff (this will remove most of Planet
too) or "rpm -e" if you prefer. Reinstall as you stated.
One aside. You should check that the soft links in /boot are OK. This
doesn't matter that much since grub.conf usually points to things in
/boot directly, but this is the one area where I have seen little
issues when messing with kernel rpm's.
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