[PlanetCCRMA] Help - cannot run applications!

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Nov 29 09:49:01 PST 2003

> I've just (successfully, I think) installed the CCRMA kernel on redhat
> 9, and the ALSA sound drivers (although XMMS seems to be playing through
> OSS still, I don't know what's going on there - it doesn't give me the
> option of choosing ALSA.  Is this normal?)

Yes, I have not yet included the xmms alsa plugin. Last time I tested it
it was assuming the world was stereo and was not working well with
multichannel cards. This may have changed since then...

> The main issue though is that when I try to run the apps I want, i.e.
> rosegarden4, they quit with an error complaining that my kernel is too
> old and they cannot start "thread-level storage".  But I just installed
> the CCRMA kernel...

I have not seen this error message. In what context does it appear? All
apps say this? Does, for example, mozilla work?

Check to see what version of glibc you have installed. If you have used
up2date and installed the latest version from RedHat, then that may be
the problem. It has a bug with the threading system on kernels that do
not have NPTL included (Native Posix Threading Library). A temporary
workaround would be to install the Planet CCRMA RedHat kernel with
capabilities. It does not have the best latency but it has NPTL. Or you
can downgrade your glibc to the previous version. 

-- Fernando

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