[PlanetCCRMA] rosegarden/sblive midi record doesn't work

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 27 12:33:01 PST 2003

> I'm using Fedora with and the SBLive sound card.
> I've installed the ccrma kernel, alsa drivers, and the
> audio applications.  Rosegarden will play midi files to my
> Korg O1W Midi keyboard, but I can't get it to record.
> The sound card won't record or play midi.

I'm not really familiar with rosegarden but I have managed to get muse
to work recording midi events. 

What do you see in the "Manage MIDI Devices" window? Does Rosegarden see
your midi devices? I just managed to record some midi but coming from
the "vkeybd" virtual keybard (I don't have a midi interface in this
computer). You could try that first to see if the problem is with your

Make sure that in "Settings" "Configure Rosegarden" "Sequencer"
"Recording" you see the input device. 

> Now mp3 files are distored as well.  It's been a long frustrating
> day trying to get midi recording working.  I've been using
> Linux for 5 years and after reading about the progress on
> midi I was pretty excited, now bummed.

It is not yet "very easy"...
-- Fernando

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