[PlanetCCRMA] SimulAnalog plugin to LADSPA?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 20 11:34:02 PST 2003

> The actual question:
> I noticed that the SimulAnalog VST plugin - guitar amp / effect pedal modelling - 
> is getting great feedback from it's users.
> http://www.simulanalog.org/
> Interesting is that the plugin a result of academic research and therefonre free. 
> Even more interesting is that CCRMA is one of the institutions involved in the 
> reseach project.

Not that I know off. CCRMA is listed once in the links section of the
web site but that's it as far as I can tell (maybe another more informed
ccrmalite in the list would know better?). The papers referenced in the
"Articles" section would seem to point at an Italian origin of the
researchers, but I could not find (but I did not look very closely)
_where_ the project originated or what is the academic institution that
sponsors it (if any). Let me know if you find relevant links. 

> Is there a change of seeing this plugin ported to LADSPA and included on the 
> Planet CCRMA some day? 

Maybe you should ask the creators of the project?
-- Fernando

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