[PlanetCCRMA] SimulAnalog plugin to LADSPA?

Jorma R rjorma at sunpoint.net
Thu Nov 20 05:25:03 PST 2003

 As this is my first post on this list I'd like to thank Fernando for the tremendous effort of creating and mantaining the planet! The possibility of getting virtually everything you need for Linux audio experiments / work installed in 30 minutes sounds like a joke but is luckily true.
The actual question:
I noticed that the SimulAnalog VST plugin - guitar amp / effect pedal modelling - is getting great feedback from it's (Windows) users.


Interesting is that the plugin a result of academic research and therefonre free. Even more interesting is that CCRMA is one of the institutions involved in the reseach project.

Is there a change of seeing this plugin ported to LADSPA and included on the Planet CCRMA some day? 



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