[PlanetCCRMA] rh 9.0: problems after using up2date (glibc and nscd)

Olaf Giesbrecht Olaf_Giesbrecht at Yahoo.de
Tue Nov 18 03:36:02 PST 2003


i am using a redhat9.0 system with planet-kernel and -apps. it worked
ok, until i did use up2date.

i got the following message:

Fetching package list for channel: redhat-linux-i386-9...
Fetching Obsoletes list for channel: redhat-linux-i386-9...
Fetching rpm headers...
Testing package set / solving RPM inter-dependencies...
glibc-2.3.2-27.9.7.i686.rpm ########################## Done.
glibc-common-2.3.2-27.9.7.i ########################## Done.
glibc-devel-2.3.2-27.9.7.i3 ########################## Done.
nscd-2.3.2-27.9.7.i386.rpm: ########################## Done.
Preparing              ###########################################
   1:glibc-common           ###########################################
   2:glibc                  ###########################################
   3:glibc-devel            ###########################################
   4:nscd                   ###########################################
error: db4 error(-30989) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND:
Requested page not found
error: db4 error(-30989) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND:
Requested page not found
The following Packages were marked to be skipped by your configuration:
Name                                    Version        Rel  Reason
kernel-source                           2.4.20         20.9 Pkg

after rebooting, my system started to boot with several error-messages
and a lot of stuff is not working (for example my browsers, my terminal
command line in x, ...)

in this mailing-list i read something about problems with glibc - but i
didnt understand it :-(
so perhaps the same problem ? but what do i have to do now ? 

hope, someone knows help !

thanks for reading,


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